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Posts by: SavannaDevelopments

New project and endeavor called Astro Engineers!

 2 September 2022 

Savanna Developments is excited to announce a new project and endeavor called Astro Engineers! Astro Engineers is an up to four player co-op game for both VR and Desktop with fully immersive crossplay and interactions. It is a direct product of love, knowledge gained from both virtual reality projects for clients, and producing high quality […]

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New game out, what’s next?

 21 April 2021 

With Snowboard released, we are happy to announce that we have finished 3 apps with Jungleplay! We are not stopping though and we already have our eyes set on our next goals; New hyper casual apps, improving our apps, more social media. More social media We would like to improve our social media presence to […]

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New Savanna Developments Site & Future Plans

 2 February 2021 

Website Update Hello everyone, We hope you all had a good first month of the new year. We want to start this new year fresh and have done a major update to the website. Everything has been cleaned up a bit and made more organized. We also added colorful images to the home page to […]

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Happy new year & 2020 Post mortem

 15 December 2020 

Savanna Developments would like to whish everyone a happy new year! To celebrate last years holidays Jungle Play released festive updates for both their apps. 2020 Post mortem In 2020 we enjoyed a significant growth in users. In our apps. By using ASO we gained a steady growth of users. We saw a rise of […]

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Savanna Developments starts Jungle Play.

 27 August 2020 

Jungle Play is Savanna Developments first brand. This development department will focus on the design, development and polishing of apps ment to be played on your mobile phone by all ages! The early focus Jungle Play will start creating different applications for both iOS and Android. These applications are compact games consisting of a single […]

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